Jean-François Lyotard and the Figural, Part Two

Discours/Figure (1971) Part Two: Veduta In 1971, in the wake of Jacques Derrida’s 1966 presentation Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences at Johns Hopkins University, the Deconstruction of Structuralism was well under way....

Jean-François Lyotard and the Figural, Part One

Discours/Figure (1971) Part One Perhaps because Jean-François Lyotard was a prolific and sometimes too hasty writer (as he termed himself), the reader is a witness to the development of the philosopher over time. Discours, figure was translated into English decades...

Art and “Thick Description,” Part One

ART AND MATERIAL CULTURE CLIFFORD GEERTZ and PHILOSOPHY  “Art, Clifford Geertz once remarked, “is notoriously hard to talk about.”  However, Clifford Geertz provided art history with a way to talk about art through material culture. A term familiar to anthropology,...

Postmodernism and the Meaning of Art

RE-DEFINING  ART AS TEXT in the POSTMODERN ERA Postmodernism promises endless creative play in contrast to Modernism, which, according to Roland Barthes (1916-1980), was a fraudulent attempt to find the universal in every solution. For Barthes, Structuralism, or the...

Postmodernism and Heteroglossia, Part Two

POSTMODERNISM AND HETEROGLOSSIA PART TWO Hybridity and Pluralism In her 1966 essay, “Word, Dialogue and Novel,” Julia Kristeva (1941-) privileged the term “Text,” insisting that the subject is composed of discourses, created by a signifying system.  The...

If you have found this material useful, please give credit to Dr. Jeanne S. M. Willette and Art History Unstuffed.
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