ROBERT RAUSCHENBERG (1925-2008) Robert Rauschenberg had served in the Navy, as a nurse, during the Second World War, and, like many men of his generation, went to college on the G.I Bill. After studying in Paris and New York, he found himself at the famous Black...
Re-reading “The Work of Art in an Age of Mechanical Reproduction” by Walter Benjamin Part Two “What is aura actually? A strange weave of space and time: the unique appearance or semblance of distance, no matter how close it may be. Decades after the...
Marcel Duchamp, Part Three Although, when The Large Glass was “completed,” Marcel Duchamp claimed to have given up art for chess. However, upon his death in 1968, it was revealed that the old trickster had one one last work of art, Étant Donnes. On one...
POSTMODERN PAINTING AS BRICOLAGE Postmodern painting can be characterized as a reaction against the “rule” of Modernist painting. Using the art of David Salle, Julian Schanbel, Carol Maria Mariani, MarkTansey and Eric Fischl, this podcast discusses the...
Postmodernism, Multiculturalism and Globalism Postmodern art is the first art to be – not global – but international. But the concept of a global or transnational art was proceeded by an acknowledgement of The Other through Multiculturalism. This podcast examines the...
New Voices in Painting Although the sixties is usually thought of as the decade of Civil Rights, the final expression of equality was the Women’s Movement of the seventies. The art world, which had attempted to ignore the prevailing political events was suddenly...