Dr. Jeanne S. M. Willette – 3/12/19
Dr. Jeanne Willette unfortunately passed away in early 2019. She supported thousands of students in their exploration of art history during her career and was a valued colleague. This site, Art History Unstuffed, was one of her major contributions to those studying this field. Without Dr. Willette this site is not being updated with new content. While her web master, with support from her two sons, continues to maintain the site for the time being, a new generation of Art Historians is needed to carry the site into the future. If you are interested in participating or have other suggestions for this site, please click here to leave a note.
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For too long art history has been held hostage by scholars speaking to scholars and not to people. The purpose of this site is to educate and to inform and to do so with respect to the intelligence of the readers. Designed as a site for serious students of art history in need of solid substantive material, Art History Unstuffed is written for Twenty-First-century learners who prefer reading “text-bytes” and “sound-bytes” of targeted information.
Written by Dr. Jeanne S. M. Willette, a published scholar who has researched and consolidated both well-respected classical sources and vetted the latest research, this site creates a middle ground between arcane scholarly jargon and informed discourse and presents a detailed account of Modern, Postmodern, Philosophy and Theory that is accessible to all readers interested in the history of the modern and contemporary periods.
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Art History Unstuffed is listed on the ACI Scholarly Blog Index.
For Students
For Teachers
For Artists
For Museums
Episode 70: Painting 15 – Defining Postmodern Painting
The Definition of Postmodernism
Postmodernism was an international phenomenon, neither style nor movement, but a state of mind. An inversion of Modernism, Postmodernism was a philosophical discourse applied to painting which reconsidered the “languages” of Modernity and revived the dead styles of the past. With Postmodernism, the is dead and the past is pillaged and painting becomes allegory.
Episode 69: Georgia O’Keeffe and the Bomb
Georgia O’Keeffe, Part Four
During the 1940s, Georgia O’Keeffe split her time between Taos and New York and while in the Southwest she was present at some remarkable little discussed events. Her home away from home, Ghost Ranch was the site where dinosaurs have been unearthed for over a century. The Ghost Ranch was a vacation refuge for the atomic scientists from nearby Los Alamos. Although it is rarely mentioned in texts on O’Keeffe, she was present at the dawn of the atomic age – the explosion of the first bomb called “Trinity.”
Episode 68: Georgia O’Keeffe – The Context of Bones
Georgia O’Keeffe, Part Three
Liberated from the steel canyons of the skyscraper-lined avenues of New York City, Georgia O’Keeffe found “her country” in New Mexico. Here the painter found new vistas – the extraordinary landscapes of the Southwest – and unique motifs – the bleached bones of cattle and sheep. This podcast discusses the unexpected link between O’Keeffe and the Dust Bowl of the 1930s, as evidenced by her iconic paintings of the American West.

Dr. Willette is currently completing an entirely new kind of book on design, a book that is multi-modal. Offering multiple modes of output, this book offers the readers several ways of receiving information, slide shows, podcasts, texts and images. The interactive book, Design and the Avant-Garde, 1920-1940, will be divided into several volumes. Volume One will focus on the interconnections between art and design at the fine-de-siècle period, leading up to the creation of “modern” design.