ART AS PROCESS Definition When the peripatetic artist, Robert Morris, abandoned his hollow gray wooden Minimal objects and pinned to the wall a cascade of felt folding itself into resplendent labial folds relaxing into a pool of material on the floor, the art world...
OBJECTS AND THE GESTALT IN MINIMAL ART The Primary Structures exhibition at the Jewish Museum in 1966 made official the existence of a new art movement, Minimalism. As would be the case in identifying any new trend, the collection of artworks and which artists were...
THE DIALECTICS OF MINIMALISM AS DISCOURSE Part Two As an art movement, Minimalism was one of the first to attempt to establish its own art writing and its artists attempted to assert themselves against the art critics. By the mid-sixties, cracks in the edifice of...
MINIMAL ART AS ART/NOT ART Part One “Installation Art” is an all-inclusive term encompassing performance art and public and and art exhibitions in which the objects and the way they are displayed are dependent upon the particular space and the presence of the...
ART AS EVENT Compared to the brief flash of the Happenings in New York City, in Europe, Performance Art was a far more important part of the post war experience for artists in Germany and France. Many of the European artists re-connected with the old Dada spirit,...
THE HAPPENINGS: AN INTERACTION OF ART AND LIFE The so-called “drip” paintings of Jackson Pollock may have “broken the ice,” as Willem de Kooning put it, and put American art on the map, but the most lasting legacy of the artist was not his...