Roland Barthes: Writing Degree Zero

ROLAND BARTHES (1914 – 1980)  PART ONE Writing Degree Zero (1953) One of the most interesting facts of the life of Roland Barthes was that he was struck by a laundry van and, after lingering for a month, died of his injuries. “The Painter of Modern...

Harold Bloom: A Map of Misreading

HAROLD BLOOM AND THE MODERNIST TRADITION Literary Criticism and Close Reading Although Harold Bloom (1930-), from the perspective of the 21st century seems like a historical figure, he was a liminal figure caught between Modernism and Postmodernism. It is one of the...

Harold Bloom: The Anxiety of Influence

HAROLD BLOOM (1930 -) The Canon  The most prolific upholder of the Modern “canon” is Harold Bloom, the quintessential Modernist holdout surrounded by a sea of Postmodern theorists. However, Bloom, always an interesting and prolific writer, is merely more frank than...

Écriture Féminine: Laura Mulvey

ÉCRITURE FEMININE PART TWO: Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema  LAURA MULVEY (1941 – ) One of the most famous essays critiquing the structures of masculine oppression comes not from France and not from America but from the genteel shores of the British Isles:...

Jacques Lacan and Women

JACQUES LACAN (1901 – 1981) PART SIX: LACAN AND WOMEN Throughout this series on the teachings of Jacques Lacan, I have noted several times that his terms must not be taken literally. The Masculine Order does not signify “men” or “males,”...

Jacques Lacan: The Formation of the Subject

JACQUES LACAN (1901 – 1981) PART FIVE: THE FORMATION OF THE SUBJECT Anyone who has read the writings of Jacques Lacan came to the humbling realization that in any meaningful way s/he simply didn’t exist. Having gone through the boot camp of the Oedipal...

If you have found this material useful, please give credit to Dr. Jeanne S. M. Willette and Art History Unstuffed.
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