Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010)

ONE MORE TIME—WHAT IS ART? This year has brought two very good films on the art world, first, The Art of the Steal about the Barnes Collections (reviewed on this site) and, now, Exit Through the Gift Shop. The title refers to the museum blockbuster, which routes...

Beginning Postmodernism: Forming the Theory

POSTMODERNISM Coining the Term “Postmodernism” was a term coined by Arnold Toynbee (1889-1975) early in the century to refer to the last quarter of the 19th century, a time where capitalism and imperialism and Western civilization in general began to...

Pop Art in Europe

 EURO POP American art history has tended to assume that something called “Pop Art” existed in Europe and has introduced a select group of European artists as examples.  However, only London wholeheartedly embraced American popular culture, while other...

If you have found this material useful, please give credit to Dr. Jeanne S. M. Willette and Art History Unstuffed.
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