A Fair at the Edge of Time The Futurama of Norman Bel Geddes In the early decades of the twenty-first century, when women speak out and say “Me Too,” one has grown accustomed to the time-honored art historical practice of ignoring the bad behavior of male...
Aerodynamics and the American Home Norman Bel Geddes and Consumerism The American public learned how to spend money on consumer goods in the Roaring Twenties. The Great War had forced the United States to grow up quickly and the techniques of mass production or...
Bringing Streamline Design Home Norman Bel Geddes (1893-1958) Today the name “Mar-a-Lago” is on everyone’s lips but for all the wrong reasons. The current owner is not important in the history of design but the architect for this famous dwelling was...
Streamline Design of the 1930s Art Moderne as a Consumer Product This is the story of two Budds, unrelated to one another but joined together historically in the design and development of a new train, sleek, light and fast, shaped like a speeding bullet. Until the...
A Century of Progress International Exposition The Streamlined World’s Fair Chicago 1933-34 With Mussolini occupied far away in Italy and the name of “Adolf Hitler” just a mention in a newspaper article, one was able to come to the Chicago...