Alexander Rodchenko (1891-1956) The Photomontage Poster Alexander Rodchenko (1891-1956), formally a painter, retired from painting in 1921 and became a designer of posters that became iconic of the brief period of favoritism and freedom. A patriot, loyal to this new...
The Russian Avant-Garde and Agit-Prop Posters Out of “Art” and into the Revolution In 1917, the Russian Empire, assaulted from within and without, finally crumbled under its own anachronistic weight, bending under the burden of the unheard demands of a...
French Artists at the World’s Fair The Last of Cubism, Part Three For Robert and Sonia Delaunay, the opportunity to decorate two buildings, one dedicated to airplanes and the other featuring trains, was too good to refuse. Both artists had long been painting...
French Artists at the World’s Fair The Last of Cubism, Part Two Although the 1925 exposition, the International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts, introduced a style for modern design, later known as “art deco,” was enormously...
French Artists at the World’s Fair The Last of Cubism, Part One In 1929, the French Chamber of Deputies, fresh off their success with the International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts of 1925 decided to repeat the fair in a decade. However,...