Impressionism, Fashion, and Modernity, Part Two

IMPRESSIONISM, FASHION, AND MODERNITY Musée d’Orsay, Paris, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, The Art Institute of Chicago September 2012-September 2013 Part Two: The Codes of Fashion Fashion and Gender Like the century itself, Parisian fashion was hybrid and...

Impressionism, Fashion, and Modernity, Part One

IMPRESSIONISM, FASHION, AND MODERNITY Musée d’Orsay, Paris, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, The Art Institute of Chicago September 2012-September 2013 Part One: Fashion as the Trope of Modernité Imagine if Impressionism existed today, not as a style but as...

The Paradox of Tar Heel Politics (2012)

THE PARADOX OF TAR HEEL POLITICS.  THE PERSONALITIES, ELECTIONS, AND EVENTS THAT SHAPED MODERN NORTH CAROLINA (2012) By Rob Christensen North Carolina is a small state of little consequence, so why is a political history of “modern North Carolina” of any interest to...

Jean Baudrillard and Simulacra

JEAN BAUDRILLARD (1929-2007) Simulacra and Simulations (1988) “The Precession of the Simulacra” (1981)   As the Bible once stated,  The simulacrum is never that/Which conceals the truth—it is/The truth which conceals that/There is none./The...

If you have found this material useful, please give credit to Dr. Jeanne S. M. Willette and Art History Unstuffed.
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