CONSTABLE, THE PICTURESQUE, AND ENGLISH ROMANTICISM Less famous and dramatic than his British rival, Joseph Turner, John Constable preferred the humble English countryside of his native Stour Valley. In his humble rural paintings, Constable captured his...
NAMING LANDSCAPES IN ENGLAND Part Two “Nature” in England acquired a new identity after the Napoléonic Wars. In response to the completion of the Enclosure Movement and the spread of private ownership of vast expanses of land, an economic response to...
THE WRITING OF ENGLISH ROMANTICISM Part One Like Neo-Classicism, Romanticism was an international movement, but, unlike the earlier movement, Romanticism differed from country to country. In England, Romanticism established an aesthetic that was reflective of national...
DELACROIX THE CONSERVATIVE Part Two The art of Eugène Delacroix was uniquely suited to his time. In an era of imperialism and colonialism through conquest, his exciting art captured the violence of a turbulent age. Like all artists of the Romantic era, Delacroix was...
DELACROIX THE ROMANTIC Part One A member of the famous Bohemian crowd of French avant-garde art, Delacroix was considered the rebellious leader of French Romanticism. Like all artists of his generation, he had missed out on Napoléonic glory but found excitement in the...
INGRES, THE NUDES, AND CONSPICUOUS CONSUMPTION Part Two By the middle of his artistic life, Ingres had reached the pinnacle of his career as the ruler of the Academy in France. Although the artist claimed to uphold the principles of classical art, his approach to the...