Norman Rockwell, Part One Although the career of Norman Rockwell, the acclaimed illustrator for the Saturday Evening Post, spanned the twentieth century, his mature period of the 1940s and 1950s is the best known. This podcast, the first of three, discusses how this...
Pablo Picasso, Part Four For decades one of the most famous and iconic works of modern art was mis-placed, waiting in New York City for the Spanish Republic to return. Predicting the horrors of the Second World War, Guernica had a potency and power that lingered long...
Pablo Picasso, Part Three Much has been written about Picasso’s masterwork, Guernica, and most of the art historical accounts focus on the iconography and the style of the mural. This podcast examines the meaning of the mural within the cultural context of the...
Pablo Picasso, Part Two Few artists were as renowned for their appetites for women as Pablo Picasso. The paintings of his middle years were veritable diaries of conquest. This podcast presents the women in Picasso’s life – Olga, Marie-Thérèse and Dora Maar – and...
Pablo Picasso, Part One Although we accept Picasso as one of the great artists of the twentieth century, he was not born a famous artist, he was “made.” This podcast discusses the role of the Great War and the creation of the post-war market in buying and...
FEMINIST ART Part One Voices of the Other “…one is not born, but rather one becomes a woman…its is civilization as a whole that produces this creature…” Simone de Beauvoir What is “feminism?” What is “Feminist Art History?” What is “Feminist Art?” From the...