Richard Misrach: Photographing Horrible Things Beautifully, Part Three
The Wall, the Fence, the Desert In 1914 America’s poet Robert Frost wrote a poem, Mending Wall, made famous by its opening line: Something there is that doesn’t love a wall, That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it, And spills the upper boulders in the...Post-War Cubism in Paris, Part Three
Cubism After Cubism Part One: Theories of Pre-War Orphism Before the Great War, there were camps occupying various terrains within the art movement called “Cubism.” The name, as is well-known, was a bon mot coming either from Henri Matisse or Louis...The Shock Doctrine (2008) by Naomi Klein
THE SHOCK DOCTRINE: THE RISE OF DISASTER CAPITALISM 2008 BY NAOMI KLEIN Naomi Klein is my hero. She is beautiful and brilliant and can look at the sick world in which we are trying to exist, diagnose it, and give a prognosis for the future. If you want to understand...