Destroying the Bauhaus

When the mayor of Dessau, Fritz Hesse, asked the Bauhaus to take residence in his industrial city, part of his promise was not only land for the school but also a site for faculty housing. The city provided Burgkühnauer Allee, quite close to the school itself, in a...

Post-War Cubism in Paris, Part Three

Cubism After Cubism Part One: Theories of Pre-War Orphism Before the Great War, there were camps occupying various terrains within the art movement called “Cubism.” The name, as is well-known, was a bon mot coming either from Henri Matisse or Louis...

The Shock Doctrine (2008) by Naomi Klein

THE SHOCK DOCTRINE: THE RISE OF DISASTER CAPITALISM 2008 BY NAOMI KLEIN Naomi Klein is my hero.  She is beautiful and brilliant and can look at the sick world in which we are trying to exist, diagnose it, and give a prognosis for the future.  If you want to understand...
Battle for the Internet

Battle for the Internet

If you woke up tomorrow, and your internet looked like this, what would you do? Imagine all your favorite websites taking forever to load, while you get annoying notifications from your ISP suggesting you switch to one of their approved “Fast Lane” sites. Think about...

If you have found this material useful, please give credit to Dr. Jeanne S. M. Willette and Art History Unstuffed.
Thank you.

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