Patrick McElnea: Confronting Collage

PATRICK MCELNEA at the Daniel Weinberg Gallery Los Angeles, CA 90048 The Artist and Bricolage The postmodern artist was often referred to as “belated,” meaning that s/he comes “after” modernism. In the post-avant-garde art world, nothing could be new and astonishing....

The Insurgency of Independent Publishing

THE NEW AVANT-GARDE: RETURN TO CHANGE presented by Dr. Jeanne S. M. Willette to the College Art Association, New York, New York Saturday, February 12, 2011  A hundred and forty years ago, the art world in Paris faced a self-imposed crisis—or to be more...

Frederic Jameson and Postmodernity, Part Three

FREDERIC JAMESON (1934-) Postmodernism and Consumer Society (1983) Part Three As a literary scholar, Frederic Jameson was trained in the generation of “close reading” and has used literary analysis combined with a neo-Marxism of Karl Marx and the idea of...

If you have found this material useful, please give credit to Dr. Jeanne S. M. Willette and Art History Unstuffed.
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