The Betrayal of the American Dream by Donald L. Bartlett and James B. Steele THE CLOSING of the COMMONS The New Enclosure Movement Essentially “the American Dream” has always been a middle class dream. Thanks to carefully targeted government policy, the...
Drift: The Unmooring of American Military Power (2012) Introduction The heart of the question of what Rachael Maddow calls Drift is how do we wage war in the twenty-first century? What is the purpose of war in the contemporary era? And who fights these wars? Or to...
THE DARK HISTORY OF “WHITE” Introduction The History of White People by Nell Painter We were told that the election of Barack Obama meant that we—America—had transcended into a beatific state called “post-racial.” We were proud of...
ART AS WRITING In the dark days of the late 1970s, New York City was at its lowest ebb. Although Jimmy Carter never uttered the word “malaise” in his infamous “Malaise Speech” (1979), the Big Apple was a psycho poster city for malaise. Infuriated by the benign...
THE PARADOX OF TAR HEEL POLITICS. THE PERSONALITIES, ELECTIONS, AND EVENTS THAT SHAPED MODERN NORTH CAROLINA (2012) By Rob Christensen North Carolina is a small state of little consequence, so why is a political history of “modern North Carolina” of any interest to...
DISINTEGRATION THE SPLINTERING OF BLACK AMERICA (2010) by Eugene Robinson Affirmative Action has been an unqualified success. A legacy of the Civil Rights Movement, Affirmative Action forced employers to give “preferential” treatment to those who had been...