Jean Baudrillard and Simulacra

JEAN BAUDRILLARD (1929-2007) Simulacra and Simulations (1988) “The Precession of the Simulacra” (1981)   As the Bible once stated,  The simulacrum is never that/Which conceals the truth—it is/The truth which conceals that/There is none./The...

Jacques Derrida and Deconstruction

Deconstruction The Truth in Painting (1987) In 1905 Paul Cézanne wrote to the younger artist, Emile Bernard, “I owe you the truth in painting and I will tell it to you.” One can immediately imagine how Jacques Derrida (1930-2004) would have seized upon such a...

Jacques Derrida and the Center

“Force and  Signification” (1967) De-centering the Center It should never be presumed that Jacques Derrida (1930-2004) attempted to solve problems or to promote new solutions. His mission as a philosopher was quite different: Derrida was a Deconstructor or...

The Metaphysics of Structuralism

DERRIDA AND THE DECONSTRUCTION OF THE STRUCTURE  Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourses of Human Sciences (1966) Jacques Derrida’s (1921-2004) full frontal attack on the movement that had just ended the reign of Existentialism, was not only on the...

Claude Lévi-Strauss and Structuralism

CLAUDE LÉVI-STRAUSS (1908-2009) Structuralism and Anthropology Although it has long roots, stretching back to the beginning of the twentieth century, Structuralism found a home in philosophy and reigned as the leading movement from the beginning of the 1950s to the...

If you have found this material useful, please give credit to Dr. Jeanne S. M. Willette and Art History Unstuffed.
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