Différance (1968) Différance and Deferral Jacques Derrida (1930-2004) was a prolific writer who had the disconcerting ability to use a thousand words when one or two would do. Différance is typical of his poetic excess and opens with I will speak, therefore, of a...
NATURE AS CULTURE: DERRIDA’S TRACE The Problem with Origins Following his tour de force presentation of “Structure Sign and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences” in 1967, Jacques Derrida astonishingly published three books: De la...
DERRIDA AND THE DECONSTRUCTION OF THE STRUCTURE Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourses of Human Sciences (1966) Jacques Derrida’s (1921-2004) full frontal attack on the movement that had just ended the reign of Existentialism, was not only on the...
JACQUES DERRIDA (1921 – 2004) The Path to Post-Structualism Jacques Derrida was a notoriously difficult philosopher to comprehend, especially for Americans, who are baffled by his writing style and his purpose. Americans, being pragmatic, prefer ideas that can...
CLAUDE LÉVI-STRAUSS (1908-2009) Structuralism and Anthropology Although it has long roots, stretching back to the beginning of the twentieth century, Structuralism found a home in philosophy and reigned as the leading movement from the beginning of the 1950s to the...