Art and “Thick Description,” Part Two

ART AND MATERIAL CULTURE CLIFFORD GEERTZ and ART HISTORY Gathered together at the Warburg Library and impacted by the neo-Kantian revival in the beginning of the Twentieth Century, Aby Warburg and Ernst Cassirer created diachronic analyses of cultural symbols from the...

Art and “Thick Description,” Part One

ART AND MATERIAL CULTURE CLIFFORD GEERTZ and PHILOSOPHY  “Art, Clifford Geertz once remarked, “is notoriously hard to talk about.”  However, Clifford Geertz provided art history with a way to talk about art through material culture. A term familiar to anthropology,...

Postmodernism and the Meaning of Art

RE-DEFINING  ART AS TEXT in the POSTMODERN ERA Postmodernism promises endless creative play in contrast to Modernism, which, according to Roland Barthes (1916-1980), was a fraudulent attempt to find the universal in every solution. For Barthes, Structuralism, or the...

If you have found this material useful, please give credit to Dr. Jeanne S. M. Willette and Art History Unstuffed.
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