Building a Concept The Horseless Carriage How did the 19th century automobile become the contemporary car? Manufacturer Henry Ford may have produced the first affordable car, available for the masses, but the Model T did not “look like” a car, it retained the...
Inevitable Design Becoming Modern Art and design define our lives for us, teach us how to function in the world, and, from time to time, produce an object, whether human or inanimate, that is so fulfilling that it become unnecessary to alter the blueprint. Since the...
The Avant-Garde and Design Building Modernity How “Modern” come into Being? Not just how but when, where, and why did modernity emerge? What was the interaction between artists, designers, and the public caught up in the unprecedented events that defined the twentieth...
The Return of Painting in Germany, 1960s The Post-War Condition After the last bombs were dropped, the last soldier had surrendered, and all surrenders were ratified, an uneasy peace descended upon Europe. By 1946, the rebuilding was underway as people, determined to...
Smoke, Mirrors, and Power One of the problems any artist has when approaching any landscape with art in mind is that he or she is stalked by three hundred years of aesthetic convention. Since the mid-eighteenth century, the Enlightenment thinkers did what philosophers...