Part One

Often assumed to be the bastion of conservatism in French art, Ingres was actually an astute observer of his own time and was, therefore, thoroughly modern. Like Gros and Girodet, Ingres had to find his own way past both his teacher, Jacques-Louis David and Neo-Classicism and into the new movement, Romanticism. Like many artists of his generation, Ingres had to navigate the transition from one style to another. Although he was trained stylistically as a Neoclassical artist, Ingres was part of the early Romanticism of late Neoclassicism. This first part of a two part podcast deals with the early career of an artist so original and so reviled he spend nearly two decades in Rome, only to return triumphantly to Paris as the champion of all things Academic.

Also listen to: “The French Romantics: Gros and Girodet, Part One” and “The French Romantics: Gros and Girodet, Part Two” and “French Romanticism, Ingres, Part Two” and “French Romanticism, Delacroix, Part One” and “French Romanticism, Delacroix, Part Two”

Also read: “French Romanticism: The Historical Context” and “The French Academy: Painting”  and “French Romanticism: Subject Matter and the Artist” and “French Romanticism and the Avant-Garde”

If you have found this material useful, please give credit to Dr. Jeanne S. M. Willette and Art History Unstuffed.
Thank you.

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